Dear Dawn,
I am 23 years old and it only took 7 years of using for my disease to bring me to my knees. However, I have been in recovery now for a little over a year. This is my first time of abstinence and my first time in a program. I have been in a relationship with the man I love for 4 years. He recently asked me to marry him! So of course I said yes but here is my problem. In active addiction, I was a dancer and did many horrible things. My fourth step is full of shame and guilt. I have just finished my fifth step but sex still is a very uncomfortable area for me. I went from being a highly sexual person to withdrawing from anything sexual. I feel like sex is wrong. I know over time I can work through this but not exactly how to work through my shame and guilt while being in a relationship. This is just not fair to him. I want to be able to have sex and feel good about it. Help! A guilt-filled addict.
Dear Guilt-filled Addict,
Oh sweet child, I want to thank you so much for writing. Many women struggle with this issue in silence. The fear and shame keep many from asking questions, so thank you for being so brave!
Almost every woman I have met in recovery has a past that includes sexual shame and guilt. I am so happy that you said you were working the steps. What the steps will do is allow you to come to terms with this. As you continue to work the steps, you will eventually release all that old pain and the guilt and shame will slip away. steps
This phenomenon is very much like the movement of a pendulum. In our addict we are at one end of the spectrum, with extreme sexual behavior. When we get into recovery, all of a sudden we withdraw as you stated, sometimes to the point of complete abstinence. We go from one end of the spectrum to the other end. You may even find yourself going back and forth a bit, until you finally settle down to a place where you feel comfortable with yourself, your past and your sexuality. So, how do you deal with your fiancĂ© in the meantime? Talk to him (without any gory details) and explain you need this time. If he truly loves you he will understand and give you time. If he doesn’t want to give you time, than it indicates he is probably too young or to selfish to be a husband right now.
Just do me two favors: don’t get married until you finish all your steps, and don’t run off confessing anything until you have talked with your sponsor. You have a long and wonderful life ahead of you. I can assure you that you have many talents and qualities that are untapped right now. I commend you are taking the beginning steps to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Well done little one!
Listen Live To Dawn Every Friday from 2-3pmEST on WWNN 1470 AM Radio or
12 steps, addiction, behavior, guilt, Love, Recovery, relationships, sex, shame
Posted in Dating, Love, Recovery, intimacy, relationships
Labels: 12 steps, Addiction, behavior, guilt, holistic health magazine, Holistic Life Styles Radio Show, love, Recovery, relationships, sex, shame
I Am In Love Submitted by Dawn Maslar-Ranish on December 27th, 2009
Hello Dawn,
My situation is no different from a lot of women in recovery. I’ve been clean for 10 years, come tomorrow it will be 11 years through God’s grace and mercy and of course these rooms and the steps. I’ve really just now realized that I’ve fallen deeper in love with my husband of 7 years! And that may sound a bit crazy, however, if you knew me you’d know that I still have major trust issues as well as major love issue’s. I was never really loved as a child and I was used and abused in a very long relationship (22 years) while I was using. So, when I met and married my husband, I loved him, however I really fell in love with him during the last three years we’ve been married. I now think that I didn’t trust myself enough to really let go and fall in love with him because I was afraid if I did, he’d hurt me! Does that sound strange or crazy to you?
Dear In Love,
I just adore this letter! What a wonderful thing to write about – being in love with your husband. You ask me if it’s strange or crazy that you have grown to love him? My answer is no. In fact, I have a totally different word for it…are you ready? Your marriage is healthy! Growing to love someone and loving them more and more as the time goes on is the model of love
What’s unhealthy is expecting instant intimacy, or love at first sight. As I explained earlier in another blog, love at first sight is simply a hormone induced haze. It will eventually wear off. Hopefully by the time the trance wears off you have gotten to know each other and developed true love.
You stated you had major issue’s that may have prevented you from falling in love earlier. This makes perfect sense. Many people in recovery have intimacy issues. Many of us build a wall around our hearts for protection. Slowly, as your trust grew, you were able to dismantle your wall, brick by brick, until you were finally able to feel the love. Congratulations! I am very happy for you. You are very fortunate, and are a shining example for all of us to follow.
Dawns live every Friday from 2-3pmEST on and
Posted by The Host is at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: growing in love, healthy love, Holistic Life Styles Radio Show, holistic Lifestyles Radio, intimacy, love, marriage, Recovery, relationships
Tune in to the THIRD EYE LIVE!!! on the Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show Saturday December 26th on WWNN 1470AM at 4-5pm.
Solaris has been studying Astrology for over ten years and is devoted to helping people embrace love and light. Following her intuition and education, she sees the galaxy like a map where she can help unravel the mysteries of the heart and the mind. She has absorbed the wisdom and understanding to help clarify the gifts inside each of us.
And as always our panel will open the show with various topics from spiritual to nutrition to world events and everything in between. Education, healing and latest information exposing any and all measures of the calculated strategy of dumbing down the human race is what we are all about.
Bio: Third Eye Live!!! The cutting-edge out-of-the-box radio program where metaphysical meets physical, by awakening higher consciousness and joining forces with all lightworkers. The panel consists of Laurie Bauman, Barb Pardee, Holly Stockus and Rashid Saker. Four professionals in the holistic and metaphysical arena that will offer their knowledge, opinions and insight on various topics from spiritual to nutrition to world events and everything in between. Check out their fan page on Face Book or to contact them by calling Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show at 877-799-8773.
Every Tuesday 2-3pm and Saturday 4-6pmEST Spiritual Recovery with Rashid, on the Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show WWNN 1470AM. Rashid’s guest will be Yeyefini Efunbolade. We will be discussing the new year predictions and her new book Women and New And Africana Religions, where she describes how she overcame racism, poverty, and molestation that led her in search of peace and initiation into the Ifa/Yoruba Priesthood. Her personal story will inspire African and all women to rise above and find courage in spirituality. Our lines will be open for calls 1-888-565-1470.
Bio: Yeyefini Efunbolade has been an ordained Ifa (Yoruba) Priest/Shaman for 36 years. She practices and teaches traditional African rituals and ceremonies. Yeyefini is a vivacious, charismatic, bilingual (English/Spanish) African Spiritual Life Coach/ Counselor, author, teacher, and lecturer. She has used the training received from her travels around the world to create a unique fusion of healing modalities from various indigenous spiritual systems. She performs naming and re-naming ceremonies and weddings. Yeyefini ordains (initiates) and trains African Spiritual Life Coaches (Priests) all over the world in traditional African medicine, divinations, and metaphysical systems. Her notoriety as a successful Self Empowerment (Rites of Passage) Series Facilitator is world wide; she has developed a dynamic and effective curriculum and lecture series.
WOW - That’s 3 HOURS of holistic and metaphysical talk, enlightenment, news, laughter and so much more. Spend your Saturdays with us. Listen Live At
Posted by The Host is at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Holistic Life Styles Radio Show, holistic Lifestyles Radio, Holistic Thinking, metaphysical, Rashid, Third Eye Live
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Holistic LifeStyles Radio Show Interview with Ken Seeley Of “A&E Intervention”
Ken Seeley, Founder After struggling with his own addictions and finding long-term recovery, Ken Seeley was determined to give back by helping people caught up in the destructive and often fatal cycle of addiction. In 2002, Intervention 911 was born out of that desire and since then, has been providing families and their loved ones options and solutions leading to life-long recover. By developing the H.E.L.P.S. method of intervention, based on life experience and industry best practices, Ken Seeley and his team of professionals have helped thousands of families regain hope and serenity. Addiction is a progressive disease to which there is no simple formula. Intervention 911’s approach to recovery is both individualized and effective, considering every possible variable. By working with the family as a whole and treating each situation with compassion, care and a true desire to help, Intervention 911 has become highly regarded as experts in the field of intervention and recovery. The solution starts here.
Posted by The Host is at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Labels: Detox, Drug, dual diagnosis, holistic health magazine, holistic Lifestyles Radio, Interventions, Treatment
Holistic Lifestyles Open Forum 2-3pmEST- Psychic Jill Dahne
Holistic Lifestyles Open Forum 2-3pmEST- Psychic Jill Dahne Click Here To listen Live Now
John Hollis Recovering Addict who got Sober and Clean doing the 12 Step Program along with Holistic Approaches to Mind,Body,And Spirit.John Hollis Host of Thursdays Open Forum Jill Dahne is living proof. As the daughter of renowned psychic, Micki Dahne, Jill has demonstrated a world class ability of her own. When a young school girl, Jill was sent home early for telling the teachers what they were going to write before they wrote it. At the age of thirteen, Jill predicted, on radio, a terrorist attack one month before it occurred. Currently, Jill Dahne is listed as the #1 Love Psychic in "100 Top Psychics in America" and the Most Amazing Teenage Psychic in America in "Ripleys Believe it or Not". Named one of the top 5 psychics by Woman's Own Magazine and American Woman's Magazine, she has also been written up by the "Miami Herald", the "Baltimore News", the "National Enquirer", the "Globe", the "Star", and a host of other publications. She has predicted over 750 marriages; and, in 1992 predicted on television that in 1998 President Clinton would be involved in a sex scandal. She also predicted his Election and Re-election. Jill is also a medical intuitive and helps people all around the world solve their medical puzzles. Jill has appeared on Lifetime televisions's Beyond Chance , "Geraldo", where she helped families of missing children, the "Christina" show, "Miami Tonight" and was one of the first psychics to appear on educational television. She has been heard on radio across the country, where she predicted the outcome of the 1997 World Series two months before the game. Her radio show "the Love Psychic" is a smash hit in the South Florida marketplace. As the psychic to the Stars, Jill has worked with many famous personalities, including the Presley family. Jill's accuracy as a Clairvoyant has made her a premier psychic, sought out from all corners of the globe. Contact 1-888-565-1470 to speak with Jill live
Posted by The Host is at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: holistic health magazine, Holistic Life Styles Radio Show, holistic Lifestyles, holistic Lifestyles Radio, Jill Dahne
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show - Dr.Whitaker of Whitaker Wellness
Holistic Lifestyles Radio Show - Dr.Whitaker of Whitaker Wellness Click on Head Lines And Listen Live Now
Julian Whitaker: In His Own Words As a long-time practitioner of alternative medicine, I am often asked why I took the "road less traveled." I certainly didn't set out to be unconventional. I graduated from Dartmouth College in 1966, earned my medical degree at Emory University Medical School in Atlanta in 1970, and completed my internship at Grady Memorial Hospital. More about Dr. Whitaker. 2009 marks a HUGE milestone—the 30th anniversary of Dr. Whitaker's lifetime work and passion…the Whitaker Wellness Institute. His goal was to help heal people when conventional medicine had failed them, turning lives around by blending the alternative therapies with the best of conventional medicine. More about the institute. The inspiration to open the clinic came to Dr. Whitaker back in the mid 1970's, when he spent six months as a staff physician working with Nathan Pritikin at the Longevity Institute. As Dr. Whitaker puts it, “The dramatic recoveries I saw there inspired me to develop my own treatment program to help people improve their health, and even more importantly, get their lives back.” To date, the Whitaker Wellness Institute has treated more than 40,000 patients, and the results have been absolutely remarkable.
Posted by The Host is at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: holistic health magazine, Holistic Life Styles Radio Show, Holistic Recovery, Holistic Thinking, Julian Whitaker
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Holistic Healing Center Of North Miami Beach, Florida
Every Monday At 2pm EST On Holistic Lifestyles Radio
Every Monday At 2pm EST On Holistic Lifestyles Radio Christine Gosslin Of The Holistic Healing Center offers services that promote total body wellness. Our services are performed in a friendly, caring and professional manner in order to bring about optimal health & healing.
For body detoxification we offer Colon Hydrotherapy and the Ion Cleanse, Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Hair Analysis and Heavy Metal Detox programs as well as individualized all-inclusive Bio-Nutritional Programs that address Heavy Metal Toxicity as well as nutrient imbalances.
For energy balancing, relaxation, stress reduction and pain relief we offer Massage Therapy, Reiki and Acupuncture.... See More
For Rejuvenation we offer deep pore cleansing facials, Energy Light Facial Rejuvenation and Contouring Lypossage. We also offer Smoking Cessation and Weight loss Programs, Point Injections, Multi-B Complex and Homeopathic Injections.
We sell a full line of natural personal hygiene and Skin care products as well as products which promote digestive health and also complement our programs and services. Please feel free to browse through our website to find out more information about our services and read related articles. You can also purchase our proprietary vitamin and nutrient formulas, relaxation and meditation CD's, books and music downloads through our secure shopping cart. Come visit us at our center in North Miami Beach, Florida and experience our Professional services first hand.
Contact: Christine Gosslin
1590 NE 162nd St. # 400
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Telephone: 305-919-7877
Fax: Fax: 305-945-6445
Thank You To our Sponsors
Monday Sponsors: Each Sponsor Is Played once every Break
1) Robert Gluck
2) Sound Pillow
3) Lake View Health Group
4) Green Carpet Cleaners
Posted by The Host is at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: holistic health, holistic health magazine, Holistic Life Styles Radio Show, holistic Lifestyles
12 years ago
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